no responsibility taken


Don’t do stupid, don’t die, and, as

Tim Ferris puts it, “Don’t fucken kill yourself.”

Sifu Crockett - disclaimer


This is the Internet. Anyone giving you medical advice over the Internet is not giving you medical advice.

They just sound like they are. Don’t take it.


Given the inclination of many on the Internet to appoint themselves as medical professionals (and experts of all manner of persuasions), if there is one piece of unsolicited advice I feel compelled to give you, it is this:

Avoid the mistake some have made in thinking I am here to prescribe diet, nutrition, exercise, therapy, or lifestyle changes.

I am not your doctor, your therapist, your priest, your coach, your personal trainer, or your guru.

While adequately qualified to write here with confidence and authority (whatever that means), my interests begin and end with sharing with you what I think, have seen, and know. That’s it.

What you do with that is up to you.

I certainly do not recommend you abandon your doctor, your experts, your favorite TV show, your therapist, your medications, your pets, or that you defy any medical advice or care you’re presently under.


is simply to afford you access to information that might be of assistance to you, of which has long been of great help to me, and has over time been put to good use by others. Within reason, I’ll support you in the process of change, should change be that which you choose.

Ultimately, whatever you do with this information — dismiss it, try it, inject it into your veins, flush it — rests entirely with you. I expect you already know that. So, take care to put it to good, smart use. You have the agency to make your own worthwhile, well-considered decisions. I trust you to exercise that power.

Mind you, if in doubt, see Rule Number Fucking One.